Episode 7. Adapting to change
Today I talk about change. Companies reorganize constantly and are planning for the upcoming year: 2021: with that comes a lot of changes.
As I am going through changes myself, I want to share the learnings and thinking I’ve been doing around managing change and I will be sharing that along with tips on how you can navigate the changes in your own life.
Developing adaptability:
Cognitive Flexibility:
Continuously scan the environment
Use divergent and Integrative thinking—accept differences
Challenge own and others assumptions—accept new models
Emotional Intelligence
Connect with and address others emotions
Acknowledge emotions while committing to the change
Understand and manage own emotions and uncertainty
Flexible Behaviour
Express optimism within uncertainty
Uncover and work with paradox and tension
Involve key people in the change
Ask yourself these questions:
Of the three elements, which one comes most easily or naturally to you?
Of the three elements, which one is most difficult for you?
For this trait, what is one behavior you could develop to improve your overall adaptability?
Identify the fear that lie behind the change will be very helpful : what scares you? What are you afraid to loose? What hardships are you expecting?
Then focus on what you can do about it, what plan you can put in place to successful transition through the change.
Navigating the Transition
The transition curve involves three stages: the Letting Go Stage, the Limbo stage and the New Beginning stage. What emotions, fears, or feelings are you experiencing?
Letting go tips
Acknowledge what are you losing or gaining
Understand what is changing and what is staying the same
How are you feeling about the change?
Allow yourself some time to grieveask for support and information
Begin to think about the benefits of the change
Act on issues within your control: your attitude and behaviors
Limbo tips
Be patient
Step back and take stock
Get involved/ take action
Provide ideas and suggestions
Learn as much as you can: develop your skills
Be creative
Talk to people with a positive outlook and see what they are doing
Set short-term goals consistent with the new directio
Support others
Build trust
New beginning tips
Be proactive
Explore options and new opportunities
Be sure you understand the new direction
Solicit feedback to validate your perceptions with others
Celebrate successes
I hope these tools are helpful to you, don’t hesitate to continue the conversation in the comments or on Instagram @theincubateher
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