The Rights of Women in 2021
Today, March 8th of 2021, is International Women’s Day - La Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes.
In France, International Women’s Day is spoken about as the majority like the Day of Women, and marketers target men to offer flowers, chocolates, massages as well as housekeeping ustensiles to their significant other *sight.
It’s International Women’s Day. It’s actually the day during which we reflect about where we stand regarding women’s rights, the day when we highlight the injustices: are women free? Are women safe? Is the livelihood of women baffled? How bad is discrimination towards women? What is the representation of women in our economy? How much progress have we made towards equality?
For those who might sugarcoat the situation, I will tell you bluntly: being a woman in 2021 still has many struggles & researchers estimate it will take 257 years* to reach gender equality.
Men globally earn 19% more than women in equal jobs, 100% of women in France declare having been subjected to street harassment, only 1 in 4 managers is a woman, 40% of women see their careers impacted when having a child, women a underrepresented in leadership: both in politics and in business. And the list goes on.
Aside from the numbers which speak for themselves: the mental load, child care, biais are overall part of the day to day of the majority of women.
I have said this before, we should all be feminist & feminist is beautiful, feminism is modernism.
Being a feminist is wanting the best not only for women (aka: freedom) and also wanting the best for our society. A world that’s more fair, that’s smarter, with a better balance and where we don’t base judgements and push expectations based on genders. A world where each of us all have the possibility to thrive freely and solely based on our desire and will power.
As long as we have not achieved this, days like today will keep being necessary.
Happy International Women’s Day to all the human beings who identify as women.
You are strong, you are smart, you are endlessly capable and you can do anything you set your mind to., you deserve respect, safety and equal chances. Together, the #GenerationEquality will make a change, it is our duty to share our stories, to grow, to empower one another, to inspire one another.
I am grateful to all the women who have done so in my life, grateful for those who will and am dedicated to actively speak about ways to do better for inclusion & diversity to improve the situation. I hope you are too!