January - mind - detox


I am part of the people for whom the start of a new year is my ‘down’ period: Christmas has just finished, we go from planning parties, brights lights, family, presents to the depth of winter.

There’s a slowness from the end of this Holiday and I tend to be dragging my feet to get back to my regular routines.

It’s something I’ve witnessed myself going through over the years and I find the more I make a conscious effort to notice it, the better I feel about that time of year.

The way I go around it additionally to noticing it, is to make it a point to shift my spirit by remembering all the positive things: I am blessed I got to spend time with my family ; each morning & night I know the days are getting longer which makes me so excited for Spring ; it’s a moment that’s perfect for being in the warmth of my home playing guitar or piano which I love doing or reading a book with a warm blanket while sipping on some tea. It’s also a fantastic time to organize good raclette parties with friends and play board games!

How do you feel at the start of the year? What is the thought mechanism you’ve put in place to work around it? Or, are you one of those people who is just naturally super energized about the new year?

Tell me your thoughts!
